Mystical Contemplation According to St John of the Cross




contemplation, mystical contemplation, mystical experience


This article discusses the problem of mystical contemplation in St John of the Cross. Its implementation required an explanation of the concept of contemplation both in a broad and strictly mystical sense. Its close connection to the spiritual life of a Christian has been shown. Both contemplation and the spiritual life have their source in baptismal grace, which contains all the potential for spiritual development. Baptismal grace constitutes the basic aptitude for union with God, for contemplation of the deepest divine mysteries; it guarantees the reception of the work of the Holy Spirit, whom Christ has sent into our hearts to complete the work of sanctification. However, it is a divine mystery why the “influence of God on the soul” is not in every case accompanied by the same experiential form. The next stage of reflection confronts ordinary contemplation with mystical contemplation, to then consider its two forms: purifying and unifying. These are experienced by many believers, but not in the same way and not in the same proportion. Assuming authentic faithfulness on the part of the believer, with different forms of experiencing the relationship with God and the spiritual processes taking place, it must be said that it depends on God’s pedagogy. God knows best which way to lead a person towards a supernatural goal and how to make him an effective witness to Christ. Two dimensions of mystical contemplation are further considered: the theological, i.e., objective, and the experiential, i.e., subjective. The methods of analysis and synthesis have been applied. The source texts have been reflected upon in order to analyse them and draw appropriate conclusions. The final conclusions are as follows: Contemplation, according to St John of the Cross, is a form of theological life. As it appears, it influences all other forms of prayer: liturgical, oral, reading of Scripture, and it leads to simplicity and loving attention to God. It does not replace these forms, but feeds on them and at the same time enriches them. There can be no significant contrast between the different types of prayer. In the life of St John of the Cross himself, we observe the practice of prayer until death in all its forms, including oral prayer. The believer’s contemplation has its source in the hidden and secret work of the Holy Spirit. Without His work it would not be possible. Contrary to popular opinions, it points first and foremost to the primacy of God’s action in the process of sanctification, while human activity has the nature of a response to this action.


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