“Discernment of spirits” in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar and the “Synodal way” project in Germany





Hans Urs von Balthasar, Ignatius of Loyola, discernment of spirits, Synodal path


“Discernment of spirits” sounds anachronistic to modern world and is associated with exorcism, occultism, or other obscure practices. It rarely brings the memory of the community of Qumran, St. Paul, Origen or the Desert Fathers, although detailed information on this subject can be found there. Some people think about advanced philosophy or psychology, even though, among other things, attention should be paid to the development of signaled controls. The titular discernment of spirits has its source in fascinating story and coincides with the history of the human spirit. Moreover, the “ghost walk” — whether we like it or not — continues, and its field becomes another existence. The last word on this matter has not been said yet. Therefore, it is interesting to return to the theology of “discernment of spirits” by Hans Urs Balthasar, which is based on the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, whose opinion is new in the article. The role of this article is significant in a way that emphasis is on practicality and the use of revealing reality, rather than systematicity and discipline of the lecture, and in fact in “discernment of spirits” on the Synodal path in Germany.


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