Nobilis pulchritudo. About the Beauty of Liturgy


  • Tomasz Bać Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Rzeszowie



liturgy, beauty, constitution on sacred liturgy, ordo, rite, liturgical art, liturgical anthropology


The aim of this article is to exhibit the theological relation between liturgy and beauty in the from the aspect of the liturgical celebration. This relation derives from an attempt to find the answers to two questions. The first: “Could the liturgy ever exist separately from the concept of beauty?” refers to the essence of the theological bond between the liturgy and beauty. The answer to this question is provided by Benedict XVI in his post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum caritatis of 2007 in which he highlights the fact that beauty is a part of the internal structure of a celebrated mystery as the latter conveys to the man the truth about God’s Love. Therefore each liturgy is beautiful.

The second question is centered on the celebration: “Could a real beauty ever exist without the necessity to be celebrated?”. True and authentic beauty expresses itself by rite – ordo and art. Only in this way everyone who participates in the liturgy can be guided to the heart of the celebrated mystery. The authentic beauty always expresses itself in rite – ordo – and in art. Only then may it reach man and make him enter into the depths of a celebrated mystery/ Only in this way everyone who participates in the liturgy can be guided to the heart of the celebrated mystery.

Author Biography

  • Tomasz Bać, Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Rzeszowie
    Od 1999 roku prezbiter diecezji rzeszowskiej. Doktorat uzyskał w 2006 roku w Papieskim Ateneum św. Anzelma w Rzymie na podstawie rozprawy o roli psalmów w Liturgii godzin. Wykładowca liturgiki w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Rzeszowie i przewodniczący Diecezjalnej Komisji Liturgicznej.


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