Topos Romano-Frankish, on the the example of Marian Sawa’s „Missa Claromontana” (2005) for choir, organ and timpani
The Second Vatican Council, topos Romano¬ Frankish, gregorian Chant fondamento, Marian Sawa, Missa Claromontana, word and music, sacrumAbstract
Missa Claromontana is the last work of Marian Sawa. Perfectly adapted to the liturgy respects its size, formally and stylistically consistent confirms the topical nature of the musical culture of the Western Church. One senses in it all kinds of cultural community with Gregorian chant: idiom, inspiration and fondamento. Composers tools are full of deliberate references to past ages, which is the best guarantee of true authenticity of sacred music. Sawa grew up on the Gregorian chant, which was an integral part of the liturgy before Vatican II. He managed to capture the intimate relationship of music with the word. During listening to the work has a constant feeling that the word determines the music, subjecting him to all the parameters of a musical work. Missa Claromontana is not only an important part of the heritage the composer, but is one of the most outstanding achievements of Polish sacred music of the XXI century.
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