“Whoever has Ears, let Them Hear!” (Rev. 13:9) – The Encouragement to Listen in St. John’s Book of Revelation and the Liturgy of the Catholic Church





Book of Revelation, hearing formula, listening, Catholic Church liturgy, intertextual approach


In biblical studies, the problem of the relationship between St. John’s Book of Revelation and the early Christian liturgy in its vast sense has been studied for many decades. This article is an attempt to show the connection of the so-called “hearing formula” (Rev. 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22; 13:9) with the liturgy, both in terms of the provenience of the formula itself and its use in the last book of the New Testament canon, as well as its contemporary use in various rites of the liturgy of the Catholic Church. By comparing the Old and New Testament as well as liturgical texts – by using the intertextual method and by exegetical analysis of the two formulations of the “hearing formula” present in the Book of Revelation together with their context, the aim of the article has been achieved, i.e. the theological implications of its use both in the text of Revelation and in liturgical celebrations, its communal character and its close connection with understanding the importance of the hearing the text and with extra-liturgical life have been shown.


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