Problem concept of systematic philosophical cognition
philosophy, metaphilosophy, thomism, philosophy of science, methodology, problems, aporetic analysis, metaphysics of aporeticAbstract
This article re-reflects on the value of philosophy’s problem concept as it has been developed by such thinkers such as Aristotle, N. Hartmann, K. R. Popper, and others. This is a systematic philosophy, which does not show any tendencies for creating systems. To bring out the essence of this philosophy, it has been compared to the concept of systematic thinking, as advocated by contemporary representatives of existential Thomism. Comparing these two approaches affords a more comprehensive insight into the idea of an aporetical metaphysical philosophy. Its task is to discover and explain problems but not to ultimately settle them. It makes use of the method of an aporetical analysis, sources of which exist already in Aristotle. This method allows for the understanding of difficulties elicited by given problems. It enables the correct recognition and formulation of these problems. It allows one to confront one’s own view with alternative attitudes, which leads to an expansion of one’s own philosophical experience. It enables the ability to cleanse the conceptual apparatus, to improve the precision of argument and to provide critical views by provoking new questions. Metaphysics as an aporetical discourse will endure as long as science and culture last, and as long as men persistently seek problem situations to their creative and argumentative thinking.References
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