Homo orans. Between speech and silence
M. Nédoncelle, B. Welte, A. J. Heschel, G. Marcel, homo orans, prayer, polarity, speech, silence, happening, distance, closeness, contemplationAbstract
The aim of this article is to show the act of prayer as an event that is happening on two essential extremities, which are: speech and silence. In the first place, the phenomenon of speech is analyzed and its conditions are determined, the stress is put primarily on distance and closeness. The article also reviews intentness and contemplation along with the sense of the unspeakable, which are varieties of prayerful silence. The article also emphasizes the paradox of prayerful dialogue where both God and man remain silent. Furthermore, the article shows that the dialectics of speech and silence conceptualizes in a praying person the mindset of itself, understanding, and the understanding of God. On one hand God is somebody unspeakable, on the other hand there is a religious need to praise God.References
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