Bulgarian „Chaadaev”: Yanko Yanev’s Book and its Critics Dimitar Mihalchev and Peter Bitsilli
Peter Chaadaev, Peter Bitsilli, Yanko Yanev, Dimitar Mihalchev, Russian emigration, reception of Russian philosophy in BulgariaAbstract
The study provides an overview of the publication history of Peter Chaadaev. His Personality and Philosophy by Yanko Yanev, a book which provoked an open debate in 1932. Several months before the Bulgarian edition was released, Yanev had planned to publish his work in Germany. This idea was thwarted because it was not approved by Professor Vyacheslav Ivanov who expressed his disappointment in a private letter. His opinion was very close to the conclusions made by the first reviewer of the Bulgarian book, Professor Dimitar Mihalchev. The second review of Peter Chaadaev emerged some months after Mihalchev’s one and was written by Professor Peter Mihailovich Bitsilli. He expressed his admiration in only one sentence in which he announced that Yanev’s work was a book of great value. The affirmative pathos of Bitsilli’s work which was strongly opposed to the Mihalchev’s criticism, encourages the authors of this study to note the actual value of Yanev’s conception on the life and thinking of Chaadaev.References
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