Sapientia – Scientia – Metafisica. Some Remarks on Stanisław Kamiński’s Text on Wisdom


  • Maciej Manikowski Uniwersytet Wrocławski



metaphysic, wisdom, metaphysical intuition, Stanisław Kamiński


Stanisław Kamiński, polish philosopher and methodologist of metaphysics, is an author of very interesting and inspiring text on wisdom. In his philosophical analysis we discover very important question not only of wisdom itself but also on our philosophical thinking. Wisdom is not just a set of human knowledge that man accumulates over the years of his activity in the world, even if it was knowledge supported by his scientific activity. Wisdom is not only the ability to cope in the world resulting from accumulated experience, resulting even from a long life of man. Wisdom is an in-depth knowledge of reality in its aspect of ultimate causes and goals. Wisdom is knowledge, metaphysical knowledge, the most basic, because the most grounded, because it reaches the very fundamental basis of existence, the real being, not only a notion of being. Wisdom is theoretical knowledge, which is the final and exhaustive understanding of the world, its most basic, deepest and eternal order. Practical wisdom is then the skill of practical, efficient and intelligent application of theoretical wisdom, which we apply in practice, in acting and creating our attitude towards the world and other people. At this point, one can finally refer to the title of the collection of methodological and metaphilosophical works of Stanisław Kamiński, from which comes his fundamental work on wisdom – Science and philosophy, and wisdom – which reads: How to philosophize? “To achieve wisdom,” answers Stanisław Kamiński.

Author Biography

  • Maciej Manikowski, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

    Maciej Manikowski – prof. dr hab., pracownik Instytutu Filozofii UWr, kierownik Pracowni Studiów nad Religiami. Zainteresowania naukowe: filozofia religii, filozofia dialogu, antropologia filozoficzna, filozoficzna mistyka. Autor czterech monografii oraz ok. 80 artykułów naukowych z filozofii. Ostatnio opublikował monografię Relacja i dialog. Wprowadzenie do ontologii trynitarnej, Wrocław 2018.


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