Problems with the common good in the world of meritocracy




meritocracy, Michael Sandel, common good


In a world overly filled with meritocratic thinking only merit values; respect and recognition are only due to those who achieve success. Losers don't count. The effect of this is the erosion of the common good, which first becomes visible in its material dimension. Meritocratic winners do not want to take action on behalf of losers who, in their opinion, owe their defeat to themselves. In the practice of social life, this means problems with financing the material dimension of the common good and its gradual erosion, which results in the disappearance of both the sense of community and the existence of the network of relationships in which human life takes place. According to Michael Sandel, in order to avoid further degradation of social life, we must move away from meritocratic thinking. This requires a change in thinking and the recognition that not only merits that translate into money are important to a person. The existence of a well-functioning society and community is correlated with the common good, when the sense of it disappears, everything gradually falls apart, and only financial resources begin to count.


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