Acceptance of the Excluded in the Community of Salvation. Study Case of Acts 15, 1–35


  • Krzysztof Bieliński Accademia Alfonsiana



excluded, the council of Jerusalem, the universalism of salvation, synodality


The aim of the article is to examine the way, in which the community of the Church acted in confrontation with a huge theological, pastoral, normative, and disciplinary challenge set in front of the early Christianity by an ethical issue of accepting into the community of salvation those, who were excluded so far, i.e. pagans.
The issue has been approached in three points. As the issue in question deals with the ecclesiastical process of taking decisions around norms of behavior, the first point brings a definition of a moral decision in its three-dimensional time structure. In the second, the central point of the paper, a paradigm for an ecclesiastical decision making process has been presented. The reflection has been based on the narrative from Acts 15, 1–35 concerning Jerusalem Council, a process that brought excluded ethno-Christians to the community of the Church. The third, final point of the analysis has been dedicated to the present issues of a communitarian discernment, as they are presented in a document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission The Bible and Morality. The document presents the Holy Bible as an indispensable source for the ecclesiastical discernment process, and as a necessary point of reference for the new ethical issues.

Author Biography

  • Krzysztof Bieliński, Accademia Alfonsiana
    Krzysztof Bielinski CSsR – prezbiter Zgromadzenia Najświętszego Odkupiciela; uczeń prof. Joachima Gnilki; doktor teologii biblijnej Uniwersytetu Ludwika Maximiliana w Monachium w Niemczech (2001); aktualnie profesor stabile w Akademii Alfonsjańskiej (Accademia Alfonsiana), Instytucie Wyższym Teologii moralnej Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Laterańskiego w Rzymie. E-mail:


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