The Proclamation of the Date of Easter (Lent) on the Feast of Epiphany in the Hispanic-Mozarabic Rite




Hispanic-Mozarabic liturgy, Epiphany, announcement of Easter


This article is devoted to the rite of announcing the date of Easter on the Feast of Epiphany in the Hispanic-Mozarabic liturgy. The topic is presented in three sections. The first deals with the roots of Epiphany in the Hispanic liturgy. The second point is devoted to the history of the rite of announcing of Easter in liturgical celebrations. The third point, which is the heart of this study, presents and analyses theologically three formulas for the announcement of Easter in Mozarabic liturgy that have been preserved in medieval manuscripts. Based on an analysis of these formulas, it can be seen that the Hispanic liturgy since antiquity has nurtured the custom of proclaiming of the Date of Easter in festo apparitionis Domini (at some point, in some dioceses on the Christmas), thus preparing the faithful for the celebration of the Paschal feast. The Spanish formula actually announces the beginning of Lent (not the date of Easter itself) and focuses on the Passion of Christ, thus showing that through the Passion we arrive at the Lord’s Resurrection.


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