The idea of ​​resurrection in the religions of the Middle East


  • Janusz Pycia Paderborn



the resurrection, life after death, the culture of Mesopotamia, culture Egyptian, culture Phoenicians, Persian religion, the zoroastrianism


The purpose of this essay is to present the idea of the resurrection in the major cultures of the Middle East. In its presentation was used a reference to the biblical tradition that shows the similarities rather than the genealogy of the biblical eschatological thought. In the presentation of the culture of Mesopotamia it is noticed some exclusivism, as for the issue of immortality, which was participated only by a few, however, some kind of existence of dead in underworld was assumed.

Certain development of the idea brings the Egyptian and the Persian culture, introducing motives of journey of dead and the posthumous court as a moral evaluation of earthly life, as well as, the possibility of attainment an honor to be in presence of gods, as a reward for an honest life. All cultures, however, not excluding the Phoenician, characterize a belief in the necessity of the burial of the human body, as one of the conditions for peace of soul of the dead.

Author Biography

  • Janusz Pycia, Paderborn
    Ks. Janusz Pycia, kapłan diecezji tarnowskiej. W roku 2011 ukończył studia licencjackie na UPJPII w Krakowie Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie. Od 2011 roku pracuje w duszpasterstwie niemieckim w diecezji Paderborn.


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