Commemoration of the Pope in the Eucharistic celebration of the Church


  • Jan Szczych Archidiecezja Lwowska



the Eucharist, the Pope, the Churc, unity


Eucharist, as the most important sacrament of the unity of the Church (sacramentum unitatis) is celebrated in unity with Christ, who governs his Church through the Pope and the bishops. The person and the office of the Pope constitute, in that perspective, the visible foundation of unity of faith and prayer, therefore the Bishop of Rome, “since he has the ministry of Peter in the Church, is associated with every celebration of the Eucharist, wherein he is named as the sign and servant of the unity of the universal Church” (CCC 1369).
The commemoration of the Pope in the context of the Eucharistic celebration is included in the Mass Order pro Papa and is a constant element of the intercessiones of the Eucharist Prayers of the Missale Romanum of Paul VI and has its legitimate place in the prayer of the faithful. In this way, the participants in the Mass liturgy express the unity of faith and prayer in the community of the pilgrim Church, where cum Petro et sub Petro they desire to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, promised by Christ.

Author Biography

  • Jan Szczych, Archidiecezja Lwowska
    Ks. Jan Szczych – doktor liturgiki, proboszcz parafii Lubień Wielki w archidiecezji lwowskiej.


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