The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the light of the theology of the Paschal Mystery. “Christ our Passover” (1 Cor 5:7) and Mary, „Immaculate Conception”


  • Bogusław Gil MIC Seminarium Duchowne Księży Marianów w Sajgonie



gift, person, personal relationship, communion


This article is an attempt to interpret the Catholic dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM in the light of the theology of the Paschal Mystery, represented here mainly by the Alsatian theologian F.-X. Durrwell. Of course, the dogma proclaimed by Pius IX in 1854 remains unchanged in its content and meaning, but due to the ever-changing cultural and social conditions of human life, the unchanging meaning of dogmatic truth requires a fuller explanation by using categories that facilitate its acceptance and understanding, not only for a theologian, but also for an ordinary Christian looking for a deeper understanding of his faith. Thus, rediscovering the soteriological, and not only the apologetic meaning of the Resurrection, the theology of the Paschal Mystery presents the Redemption in Jesus Christ as an eschatological reality existing in the Crucified and Risen Savior, who is sacramentally present and available to everyone in the Church. A necessary condition for experiencing this salvation is faith in Christ. The terminology of so-called juridical theology, which speaks of satisfaction, merit and privilege, has been replaced here with the personalistic categories of person, relationship, communion and gift. Thanks to this, the truth of the Immaculate Conception, dogmatized in 1854 according to the terms of that time and shown mainly in its negative aspect, acquires greater clarity. It is now easier to see that the Immaculate Conception is not so much the privilege of Mary distinguished by keeping her free from the stain of original sin in virtue of the future merits of her Son, but her deep personal identity resulting from God’s election of her “before the foundation of the world” to be His Son’s Mother. Thus, it is a relationship with the Holy Spirit that is completely elusive from human reason. There is such a great Fullness of the Spirit in the humble Servant of the Lord that she becomes for the Eternal Word of the Father in earthly reality, that which in the immanent Trinity is the Spirit Himself — the Womb of God where the Father eternally begets His Son. Thus, the Holy Spirit-who is the Divine power of begetting, Divine Immaculate Conception — makes Mary a New Creature, New Eve, Immaculate Conception. The fullness of the Holy Spirit in Mary and her indissoluble union with Christ, the New Adam, is the source of her extraordinary holiness and freedom from sin. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM, seen in the light of the theology of Paschal Mystery, tells us that man’s salvation consists in a personal relationship with the Triune God. Freedom from sin is the fruit of communion with God, not the other way around. For grace is always first.


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