Pastoral­‑theological reflection on the document of the Holy See „Welcoming Christ in Refugees and Forcibly Displaced Persons”


  • Maciej Ostrowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



migrants, refugees, forcibly displaced persons, theological reasons for welcoming migrants


The author analyses and provides commentary on relatively unknown document issued by the Holy See “Welcoming Christ in Refugees and Forcibly Displaced Persons”. He focuses solely on theological aspects leaving out the others and indicates the necessity of distinguishing forcibly displaced persons and refugees from migrants of other categories, for instance economic migrants. The author shows Biblical texts and these elements of Catholic social teaching, which have been recalled by the editors of the document and which call to welcome and take care of refugees and forcibly displaced persons. Among them, teaching on human dignity of each human person, unity of entire human family, imitating God’s love for each human person, and finally, Christian hospitality is the most important. Further, the most significant evangelical reason for welcoming strangers is recognizing Christ alone in them. Thus, bringing to life this, what is implied by all these reasons deeply rooted in the faith is its practical verification. In commentaries on passages of the document the author refers to characteristic contemporary situations of welcoming migrants interpreting them in the light of the theology. In conclusion, he formulates some pastoral recommendations for the Catholic Church.

Author Biography

  • Maciej Ostrowski, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Ks. prof. zw. dr hab. Maciej Ostrowski, dyrektor Instytutu Teologii Praktycznej oraz kierownik Katedry Teologii Pastoralnej na WT UPJPII; sekretarz Rady Konferencji Episkopatu Polski ds. Migracji, Turystyki i Pielgrzymek; specjalizuje się w problematyce pastoralnej z zakresu migracji, turystyki, pielgrzymowania, wolnego czasu, ekologii, parafii i ugrupowań kościelnych. E­‑mail:


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