The Letter “Desiderio desideravi” of Pope Francis as a New Challenge for Liturgical Formation




liturgy, liturgical formation, Desiderio desideravi, form of Christ


The apostolic letter Desiderio desideravi of the Holy Father Francis goes beyond the liturgical sphere of the Latin tradition and is a challenge also for Eastern Catholics because of its theological, liturgical and spiritual depth. This paper presents some of the main points of this apostolic letter: (1) Godʼs desire is the beginning of liturgical formation; (2) The beauty of the liturgy is more than ritual aestheticism; (3) Amazement before the Paschal Mystery is an essential part of the liturgical act; (4) Formation for the liturgy and formation from the liturgy; (5) The goal of liturgical formation is our conformation to Christ. It means to have the mind, feeling, and will of Christ. The Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi confirms once again that the liturgy is the source and summit of all Christian life.

Author Biography

  • Marcel Mojzeš, Uniwersytet Preszowski

    Marcel Mojzeš — sacerdote dell Archieparchia grecocattolica di Prešov in Slovacchia. Nel 2003 ha difeso il dottorato di scienze ecclesiastiche orientali presso il Pontificio Istituto Orientale a Roma. Già dal 2002 insegna alla Facoltà grecocattolica di teologia dell Università di Prešov. Le materie principali che insegna sono la teologia liturgica e la spiritualità dell Oriente cristiano. È il consultore del Dicastero per le Chiese Orientali.


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