Robes of the High Priest Eleazar Used During His Service in the Templein the Light of the “Letter of Aristeas to Philocrates” (§ 96–99)
Letter of Aristeas to Philocrates, Old Testament Apocryphal, High Priest’s robesAbstract
“The Letter of Aristeas to Philocrates” is one of the Judeo-Hellenistic apocrypha/pseudoepigrapha of the Old Testament from the 2nd century BC. The author of the Letter, identifying himself as Aristeas, reported his journey to Jerusalem, which he was supposed to make on the orders of the king Ptolemy II Philadelphus (316 — 246 BC) as part of a diplomatic mission. The purpose of this mission was to convey the king’s request to the high priest Eleazar to send appropriate experts to Alexandria who would translate the Mosaic Law into Greek. During the visit — according to the author of the Letter — he had the opportunity to see the high priest Eleazar performing liturgical service, dressed in high priestly robes which caused great admiration among those who saw him (cf. § 96). The aim of the article is to show the delight and general view of the author of the Letter on the clothes of the high priest Eleazar. The description in § 96–99 is a valuable source for research on high priestly vestments. In order to better understand the description of garments contained in the Letter, biblical and extra-biblical sources were cited. Undoubtedly, an attempt to present the high priestly vestments based on the account contained in the Letter may constitute an inspiration for further, detailed research on the individual elements of the high priest’s liturgical robes.
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